Sunday, November 24, 2013

Hospital visits

I wasn't a huge fan of having visitors I think because I'm so vain lol but they were pumping me with steroids such as Pregnazone which made me gain up to 4lbs a day so my face was extremely puffy and I looked awful. I only let my close friends come see me.

Big thank you to Kristen Duncan, Lindy Davies, and Brooker Bee for being so sweet and thoughtful! I also loved all the letters from the Young Women, I really needed that. It was so hard lying there day after day hoping and praying for my little angels. Wondering if they'd have to take them early? I had a lot going on not only was my blood pressure high but my platelets were so low they were nervous to deliver me so that's why they put me on Pregnazone. They limited my visitors and phone calls because it made my b.p go up. Even turned the lights down to lower my b.p oh boy was I a mess!

Now this is what true service looks like! Pampering me with a pedicure wow! Thanks Bee!

letters from the Young Women who I miss terribly

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